40 Days for Life Campaign (Help save lives by praying for an end to abortion.)
Fargo Diocese
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Dynamic Catholic (Best Lent Ever and Best Advent Ever email sign-up)
Formed (currently free for 40 days; otherwise $9.99/mo.; Catholic movies, children's content, audio and more)
Our Sunday Visitor
Franciscan Learning Opportunities
Parishioners can visit https://franciscanathome.com, log in, create a new account (for the picture, any picture of anything will work), click "create account" and more information will be sent to your email. In the email will be a link, click on "Partnering Dioceses" (Diocese of Fargo) and click on "my parish is already registered". Fill in all of the fields and click "sign-up". Click on any track you would like to watch. Examples include: "The Trinity", "Freedom, Grace & Related Moral Issues", "Child Saints", "Theology of the Family", "Teen Faith & Moral Development", Bioethics and many more.